

Baby Manuel might be tiny, but don’t underestimate this little guy!  He is strong and he has such a big voice!  He lets you know QUICKLY if he doesn’t like something!  He is absolutely a mighty mouse and I can’t wait to see him grow into this big personality!




Miss Ivy is not about to miss a moment of fun in this world!  At only three weeks old, she was determined to stay awake and watch her newborn portrait session!  She was such a stinker, she even smiled at me and all my efforts to get her to sleep!  I eventually won and got her to nap, but she definitely made me work for it!

ivy4 (more…)



Sassy little Kinsley was back in the studio for her three month photo session and she brought her big personality with her!  This girl might be tiny and dainty, but she has a spitfire personality that you can’t miss!  I just have to laugh and laugh as you can see this little diva rules the roost!

kins2 (more…)



Little Miss Kerrigan took two tries to get her six month baby photos done.  The first day I knew she was off the moment she came in the door.  This little bug is normally so smiley and happy, but not that day.  Something was majorly wrong in her world and after just a few minutes I had to tell her dad we needed to try again another day.  A week later and a tooth richer, Kerrigan was back in the studio and this time she was all smiles and giggles!   Oh the difference a week can make!
Tallahassee baby photo plan (more…)



My buddy Henry was back in the studio today for his nine month portraits and the little cutie absolutely brightened my morning!  He is a fairly serious little dude, but when you do get him to smile or laugh, it absolutely lights up the room!  He had me laughing so hard this morning I could barely hold the camera straight!

Nine month baby plan photos Tallahassee (more…)