Award Winning Tallahassee Photography

Award Winning Tallahassee Photography

COVID19 is NO fun.  We miss our friends, our routines, our sense of normal.  I desperately miss being in the studio, playing with all the kiddos, snuggling all the babies and spending time with all my clients.  I am so blessed to be a part of a very large network of professional photographers and through this we have stayed connected online to give each other support and friendship.  One of the most importrant of these groups is my home guild- the Tallahassee Professional Photographers Guild.  

This group is where I first put myself out there to network with other professional photographers.  13 years later, this group is some of my closest friends on the planet and they are my “co-workers” in a sense.  We celebrate each others successes and we help comfort in times of failure.  They have my back and I have theirs through thick and thin, so connecting tonight online instead of in person for our monthly meeting was just what I needed.

I was thrilled that we could still hold our monthly image competition and that my peers chose two of my images as the best in their categories. 

Super proud mama moment when the image of my babies was chosen as the winner for Portrait of a Group!!  Then I also won the special challenge that had to be GOLD themed.  I am always honored when my fellow professional photographers choose my image as the best, it just means SO much!


Tallahassee Award Winning Photography by Long’s Photography

Top Ten Photographer!

Many of you already know that I am very active in photography competitions both as a competitor, a mentor and as a judge.  I adore the competitions– they are a personal challenge to always try to out-do myself and to push my creativity.  I have been competing in the photography categories for several years, but this year I entered my first art case ever at the Southeastern Professional Photographers (SEPPA) competition.

Art cases are judged a bit differently than the photography, in that not only the final image is judged, but the judges also view the starting image and the digital work done to the image is also considered in the score.  It is a hugely daunting endeavor to put work in to be judged by experts in not only photography but also in digital manipulations like Photoshop and Painter.

The SEPPA competition includes photographers in thirteen states, so there is not only a LOT of competition, but there are a LOT of amazing photographers and artists who enter every year.  This was my first year entering a case in both photography and art… and drumroll please… my image scores placed me in the Top Ten for photography AND the Top Ten for art!  I can hardly believe it myself!  I am officially one of the Top Ten Photographers in the Southeast and the Top Ten Artists in the Southeast for 2016!  Holy Moly!

I can’t wait to share the images I entered, but I have to keep them top secret until after national judging this summer.  So, just stay tuned!