A dear friend recently told me that I am terrible at the “humble brag”, and I know its true.  I guess its part of my Southern manners that you aren’t supposed to brag about yourself, so writing posts like this are actually super difficult for me!

But, the recent honors I have received warrant a bit of bragging!  Last month, at the Tallahassee Professional Photographers Guild annual print competition, I was overjoyed to have all six of my entries be judged as merits by the panel of judges.  Even more exciting, my image “Frozen” was chosen as the best Illustrative image and the overall “Best in Show”!  Also, my image, “Possessed” was named as the overall third place image!

So, here are my six merit images from the TPPG competition!

Illustrative Open: “Frozen”  Overall Best In Show 2015 Tallahassee Professional Photographers Guildtppg5 Illustrative Open: “Possessed” Overall Third Place Tallahassee Professional Photographers Guildtppg2Portrait of a Child: “Bashful Blush”tppg6 Portrait of a Pet: “One in Every Family”tppg4 Illustrative Open: “Sealed”tppg3 Portrait of a Child, “Rose Red”tppg1