Thatcher & Ethan Ducks and Bunnies

Thatcher & Ethan Ducks and Bunnies

Its really handy to have two super adorable test models for the sets that we build!  Thatcher and Ethan came by the studio yesterday to test out our Ducks and Bunnies sets before all the chaos and madness of the actual event.  While its always so much harder for me to photograph the own kids, I do have to say I end up being double proud of the result… I mean not only did I make cute images, but I made the cute kids in the images as well!  😉

Tallahassee Easter Photo SpecialTallahassee Easter Photo SpecialTallahassee Easter Photo Special

Tallahassee Easter Photos| Long’s Photography



Miss Hannah is a momma’s girl!  She does not like to be set down and not with her momma, but for her eight month baby portraits, her mom was smart enough to bring a secret weapon… her big brother!! This little dude could have a permanent job here at the studio if he can get all the babies to laugh as much as he got his sister to laugh!

Tallahassee baby plan photos (more…)



I hate writing this blog post.  I really really hate it.  Why?  Because it means that Ryan’s baby photo plan is really and truly over!!  (You should be picturing me sitting at my desk stomping my feet in a very temper-tantrum like manner right now.)  I adore this kid and his parents are some of my very favorite people.  I really really hate the idea of not seeing them all the time and getting to hang out with this hilarious little dude!  Since they live just around the corner from the studio, I might just have to become a bit of a stalker… 🙂

For Ryan’s one year session we headed downtown and let mom and dad join in on the fun this time!  Ryan is such a busy dude now I was so thankful to be outside to give him the space to run and play! Tallahassee family photography (more…)



So, Christian’s mom tells me that there is a news story out about people with red hair and blue eyes… supposedly this combo is really rare?  Well, lightning struck twice in their house, since both Christian and his big sister have beautiful red hair and blue eyes!  In addition to being a rare gem, this little dude is also a happy little monkey and let me have so much fun with him for his six month photos!

Tallahassee baby photo plan (more…)



Little Miss Kerrigan took two tries to get her six month baby photos done.  The first day I knew she was off the moment she came in the door.  This little bug is normally so smiley and happy, but not that day.  Something was majorly wrong in her world and after just a few minutes I had to tell her dad we needed to try again another day.  A week later and a tooth richer, Kerrigan was back in the studio and this time she was all smiles and giggles!   Oh the difference a week can make!
Tallahassee baby photo plan (more…)