Lets go out to the ball game!! Vintage Baseball Mini-sessions are available ONLY on Saturday, May 21, 2022 in our Tallahassee studio.  The $39 session fee includes the mini-session for up to two children (sizes 18mo-8 years) and use of all our vintage baseball costuming–down to the socks and shoes.

The nonrefundable session fee includes session only.  Digital images and prints are all purchased separately with no minimum order, so just purchase what you like!  To view pricing go to: https://www.longsphotography.com/tallahassee-professional-photo-pricing/ 

Schedule your session now: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16591867

Contact the studio with any questions- 850.339.5799 or Linda@LongsPhotography.com


Tallahassee Children and Baby Photography by Long’s Photography