I have so many creative ideas that I need models for, so here it is… our biggest model call EVER! I have some shoots I will be doing in the next few weeks, others in the next few months and some of the entries will be held for future projects I haven’t even thought of yet! We need models of every shape, size, color, age and gender, so don’t hesitate to send a photo in. While it might not be right for one of the shoots I am working on at the moment, I will keep it on file for anything that may come up!
We are looking for models for:
Boudoir (implied nudity)
Pinup (prefer that model has retro or vintage looking clothing)
Musicians with their instruments
Maternity with implied nudity
Brides and grooms (in their wedding attire)
Men with heavy tattooing
High school junior and seniors
A litter of puppies
Any wrinkly type dog– bulldog, sharpei, basset hound, etc.
Really chubby babies in the 6-8 month range that can sit but not yet crawl
Family with elementary to middle school age children
Maternity progression portraits starting with sessions BEFORE 8 weeks
Dancers, especially ballet, ages 12+
If you are interested in any of these sessions or you would like us to keep your image in our model file, just email any image to Linda@LongsPhotography.com along with your contact info and the type of session you are willing to do. As a model, there is no charge for the session and you will receive an 8×10 print at no charge at the order session. Additional images from the session are available at our regular pricing.