Our very last Saturday of mini-sessions in 2019 will be Saturday, November 9th at Dorothy B. Oven Park.  Dorothy Oven is probably my favorite park because there are SO many different backgrounds just steps from each other.  It makes it the perfect place to do mini-sessions and really get the most out of each session time!  Each $69 session fee can accommodate up to eight people.

Session fees are nonrefundable and include your session on location.  All prints, products and digital files are purchased separately, but there is no minimum order.  Go to: https://www.longsphotography.com/tallahassee-professional-photo-pricing/ for more pricing details.

There are only a handful of session times available, so be sure to reserve yours before they are gone!  Book online: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16591867 or contact the studio at 850.339.5799 or Linda@LongsPhotography.com


Tallahassee Family Photography by Long’s Photography