Cybill & Trent’s Tallahassee Wedding

Cybill & Trent’s Tallahassee Wedding

The first word I think of to describe Cybill & Trent’s wedding at Bradley’s Pond is “Fun”.  While “fun” sounds like a really generic uncaring word to describe such a wonderful event, its really honestly the truth!  Both Cybill and Trent are hilarious and fun to be around, but so are all of their friends and family!  When you have that many awesome people in one space, add a rockin band, awesome food and drinks… well FUN does sum it up!  I loved every minute of their day and I am so honored they included Olyn and I!

Tallahassee wedding photography (more…)

Kennedy One Year

Kennedy One Year

There is only one word to describe Miss Kennedy– BUSY!  She just turned one and now that she is walking, there is no stopping this little gal!  She had no patience for hugs and kisses from her mom and dad during the session, she had to explore!  If only we could have that much energy as adults!
Tallahassee family photos (more…)

Mommy & Me Portrait Special

Mommy & Me Portrait Special

To honor all the moms out there in time for Mother’s Day, we will be offering our Mommy & Me Portrait Special on Saturday, April 6th.  There is no session fee for the all black and white  mini-session of moms with their children and this year, we are expanding the special to also include dad!  Whether the child is 4 months or 40, these quick take portraits are a chance to capture that very special relationship between a mother and child.

Children can be of any age and sessions can include multiple generations with grandmothers on down to babies (Each session can accommodate up to six people).  There is a $99 minimum order for each session (Nonrefundable, due at the time of booking) and all sessions are by appointment only.  To reserve your time, call 850.339.5799 or email Linda@LongsPhotography.com

Tallahassee family photographyTallahassee family photographyTallahassee,FL family photography

Family Photography in Tallahassee| Long’s Photography


Caroline 11 months

Caroline 11 months

Every time I think of Caroline, I start singing Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline”.  Bummm bummm bumm!  🙂  It makes me smile almost as much as this Caroline!  Sweet is the perfect word to describe her– so gentle, loving and kind.  And the best part– when you get her excited she squeals and claps and curls up her little toes!  So fun!

Tallahassee baby photography (more…)

Kolt Six Month Baby Photos

Kolt Six Month Baby Photos

Oh I just fell in love with Kolt!  I could photograph him all day!  His little chubby cheeks, sweet smile and hilarious raspberries!  To say his session was fun is a massive understatement!  He was a perfect baby and it was so hard for me to give him back to his mommy when it was all done!

Baby photographers in Tallahassee (more…)